Holiday Greetings!?!?
Another reason to know what you believe and why… Tis the
season, the season of giving (and getting). The season to be jolly (and grumpy)…
And as Christians, we know what it’s like to ‘get’ the ‘grumpiness’ about our ‘Christ’
and Christmas…
“Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings…”
Is this really something to fuss over? Are we taking our
Christ too far, and losing sight of Him in the process? Honestly, I don’t see the
problem if someone wishes me something other than “Merry Christmas”. Firstly,
the point of this whole holiday season is about love, right? So, I for one feel blessed that people want to wish me
some form of love. Secondly, what if they don’t celebrate Christmas? They don’t
know what my beliefs are, nor do I know theirs. Personally, I won’t be offended
if someone wishes me a “Happy Hanukkah”, because that (my assumption) is their
religion. My response could be the same back to them, followed by a “Merry
Christmas”, acknowledging my own religious belief. How is this offensive? I don’t
see how I am being very loving by throwing a fit over what greeting they spoke
to me. And if I’m crying about offensive political correctness, I’m not being very
Jesus Christ is Love.
(John 3:16) He was/is the ultimate embodiment of Love. (John 15:13) And I’m
supposed to be representing Him to others. So- how am I being loving by getting
offended by others offering me a different holiday greeting?
I absolutely believe we should keep Christ in Christmas. But
I mean the ‘we’ to be Christians. Why should we force our Christ on
unbelievers? That to me is not very Christ-like; and no wonder unbelievers get
so angry. If I don’t want them shoving their (un)beliefs down my throat, why
should they be okay with me shoving my beliefs down theirs?
Proclaiming and promoting my Christianity isn’t the way to
win someone over; loving them is (I
shouldn’t have to tell you I’m a
Christian, you should be able to tell
it by the way that I live…). When someone meets me, whether it’s at
Christmastime or some other time of the year, how I carry myself and the words
that I say (or don’t say), and the actions that I do (or don’t do) are the ways
that people will see something different
about me, and should make them want to know more; to be more ‘like me’. (Ephesians
4:29-32, Romans 12:2) And when they ask me how or what or why I am so Joyful,
Loving, at Peace, then I can introduce them to Jesus (and they’ll see that He’s
who I am trying to be like). (Romans 8:2) My wishing them a “Merry Christmas”
most likely isn’t going to initiate a conversation; and pitching a fit that
they wished me the wrong holiday greeting certainly isn’t going to make them
want to be ‘more like me’ (aka- like Christ).
I think its things like this that make us Christians look
bad. I think its things like this that makes the world hate our religion, our hypocrisy
and our Christ. Ghandi stated it well: “I like your Christ. I do not like your
Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Isn’t that the sad and
painful truth? We Christians are not very like our Christ. When Jesus was ridiculed
and accused during His trial before His crucifixion, He kept His mouth shut. He
knew He wasn’t going to win them over by arguing with them. (Isaiah 53:5, 7;
Mark 15:4-5, Luke 23:9) And neither will we. No unbeliever is going to want to
be like us (Christ) when we’re constantly instigating disagreements about our
beliefs and our Christ. The only way to sway them is to love them.
(For the record, I am not suggesting that we not stand up
for Jesus and our faith, I think we need to have perspective over how to show
His love verses forcing Him upon others. God gave us all free will: if He doesn’t
force Himself on others, why should we?)
And just a reminder that December 25, our Christmas, is not
when Jesus was actually born. Christians (Roman Catholics) picked that date to
offset the Pagan holiday ‘Yule Day’, during the winter solstice festivals, with
hopes to bring awareness to Christ and take it away from secular and Pagan
celebrations. So, maybe we should think twice before we accuse the unbelievers
of trampling on and ruining ‘our’ holiday… Also, no one celebrated birthdays
back then, only proud sinners are mentioned in Scripture as celebrating their
birthdays (Pharoah: Genesis 40:20-22, and Herod: Mark 6:21-27). And we’re
celebrating Jesus’ birth as a man, not as God… The Bible is clear about idolatry:
don’t worship or idolize any other god; but also don’t make idols to worship as
our God. (Deuteronomy 4:15-19; Deuteronomy 12:4, 32). And aren’t we idolizing
the Christmas trees, the lights, the holly, the wreaths, Advent, presents, the
greeting, the holiday itself when we
put it before the whole purpose behind it: Jesus Christ (Love).
(For the record, I am not suggesting you have to get rid of
your tree, decorations and presents because they are not ‘Christ’-like. It
comes down to what’s in your heart. Are you decorating and buying and cooking,
etc. to celebrate Jesus’ birth in His honor? To show love to others? Or are you
doing it as a show because you’re a Christian and it’s Christmas?) If the
emphasis is put more on the ‘stuff’ and not on Jesus, then you might want to
rethink more than just your holiday greeting.)
So before we get our berries in a bunch over what holiday
greeting we’re going to say and to accept; let’s remember what this season is
about: Love. Yes, we need to keep
Christ in Christmas: keep the love in the holiday. Celebrate Christmas by
loving God and by loving others. (Matthew 22:37-39) Spread that cheer.
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