To Do List
Have you ever had one of those Sunday sermons that seemed to
just drag on, and with each introduced talking point your frustration grew? For
me, these are few and far between. And they absolutely have nothing to do with
my Pastor, they are all about me. But this past Sunday, I just couldn’t sit
still, waiting for the message to end. I was aggravated at myself more than
anything else because I knew in church was where I needed to be. My mind kept
wandering to all of the things I had on my continuously growing ‘to do’ list
(and it was just my weekend list- things I wanted to accomplish before I went back
to work on Tuesday). (Notice that these are things that I wanted to accomplish- not necessarily things that actually needed to get done). The message was
great. And when the sermon finally was over, I noticed we seemed to let out a
little earlier than usual. So why my impatience?
Well, if you knew me, you’d know that patience has never
been a strong trait for me. I can get easily frustrated at the tiniest thing.
(You should see the aggravation when I carry laundry to the washer then have to
go back and pick up items I dropped (stupid socks)). But when you dig down, you
see my impatience, frustration, etc. all stem from [me]. For instance, with the laundry- if I didn’t let it pile so high that I can’t carry the load in one shot, I wouldn’t drop socks. Or my list…most of it related back to things
I’d put off until last minute, or for
so long that it was overwhelming me.
(I will not attempt to detail my list, and let you into how crazy my mind really
does work at times (mostly)).
And when you really dig down deeper, it stems to my selfishness.
What I want, when I want it. (Now). I don’t want to be inconvenienced. And isn’t
that how we, as supposed Christians, really are? We’re willing to talk about
Jesus, share our testimony with other Christians. We don’t inconvenience
ourselves enough to do these things with non-believers. (And here’s where it
hits me: I am stingy with my time. So why I am wasting my time sharing stories
of Jesus with people who already know Him?) (I am not saying not to talk with
other Christians, and share Jesus with them- we all need encouragement and
reminders… I am saying don’t just share with Christians—we need to get out
there and proclaim the gospel for anyone to hear!) Remember Stephen in Acts 7?
He was a simple man. (Like most of us) He spread the Gospel to anyone that
would listen. And when he was arrested for preaching at the Synagogue, he
continued to preach: to those that had less than two months prior crucified
Christ. (Tell me he didn’t know he was essentially accepting a death sentence!)
He preached about God’s relationship with Israel. He walked them through points
from the Old Testament, accusing them of not obeying the laws they were trying
to defend. They, once again, were ignoring Who Jesus Christ is. The Old
Testament is filled with prophecy and stories that lead up where Stephen was
at. (And they continue well past, to Jesus’ return…) Stephen didn’t defend
himself for preaching. And because of his teachings, he was stoned to death. And
who was one of the witnesses to his death? S(P)aul- a man who is arguably one
of the greatest teachers of Christianity in the Bible! So, let’s be reminded
that everything we say and do, and experience, is witnessed by someone who
could be the pivotal turning point for God. The thing is, when we put ourselves
on the back burner, and light our spark for Christ, we become fireproof. Nothing
else matters; no one can hurt us; death cannot defeat us. (Amen?!?!) “For to
me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better. But if I live, I
can do more fruitful work for Chris. So I really don’t know which is better. I’m
torn between two desires: I long to go and be with Christ, which would be far
better for me. But for your sakes, it is better that I continue to live” (Paul:
Philippians 1:321-24) Can anyone of us say this? Because the selfishness in me,
wants to end that speech with the part where dying is best for me. Period. But,
until God decides what day that will be, I am ‘stuck’ here, for your sakes.
Meaning, while we are here on this earth God created, living this life He gave
us… we need to be living for Him. (Not [me])
So coming full circle… am I (are you) more like Stephen accusing
the high priest and his court of ‘talking’ too much (and not obeying what they
enforce)? Or am I (are you) more like high priest trying to quiet the only person
trying to tell Truth?
So instead of fidgeting in my seat at church thinking of all
the stuff on my ‘to do’ list, I need to remember the only item that must get done: Live for Christ. And make
sure I can check it off as complete.
In order to give your life for Christ, you must first live
your life for Christ.
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