Shallow Depth
I’ve been doing a different kind of study than I typically
do. Or at least I’m getting a different kind of result. I study my Bible almost
daily. (I refer to it daily, but some days I just don’t dive into it as an
actual study, I only read…) When I actually study
it, the Word speaks to me in different ways. Most often, literally. Sometimes,
figuratively. And sometimes, not at all. Those times frustrate me, but make me
realize that I am completely missing a point; and more often than not; an important point. (Read the Parable of
the Four Soils in Matthew 13- we have to have ‘ears to hear’…) This is when my
studying digs much deeper. And this is when I draw closer to Jesus.
You see, when I’m having a hard time understanding a verse,
a story, or a message, then I know I need to really dig into it. Everything in
the Bible has a purpose; it’s just not always an obvious purpose. And lately, I’ve
been diving into some topics more than just a Book/Chapter study. For instance,
I was challenged on an issue with a fellow Christian regarding a topic that
differentiates our denominations. In order to understand his view and defend
mine, I had to dive into multiple verses and research some historical
background. Then with the controversies lately of our fellow Christians in the
news, I wanted to understand why or how they could take the stance they took,
and what action I would take if I were in their shoes. I have to admit, I am
really enjoying this type of study. And it is consuming me with more
information than I ever thought I needed or cared to know. (And through my
latest blogs, you can probably see that they haven’t been my typical entries…)
To me, this type of study brings the relevance of Scripture to the forefront of
defense. I’ve stated it in the past, but for reiteration: you have to
understand why you believe what you believe. You have to be able to defend your
faith and your Jesus to others. (But note, that does not mean you have to
always be on the defense.)
The gist of the Four Soils is that people who listen and
want to really know Scripture understand what is written. The four types of
soils represent different responses to God’s message. People respond
differently because they are in different states of willingness. Those that
want to continue to live their lives, don’t hear
it and subsequently don’t really believe it. (Matthew 13:13) If you are truly seeking
His Word, then you will understand what It says. (Matthew 13:12) But besides
our understanding, we are responsible to use the knowledge we are given through
it. When we stay in His Word, we not only can help others understand, but as pointed
out earlier, help ourselves understand our beliefs. To have this understanding
will be the only true defense of false teachings. It’s so easy to want to
believe the easy way; the bountiful blessings, the peace, the easy life. But we
know that that is not how this life will be while we are on this earth; (John
16:33); therefore we need to be prepared.
And being prepared means being able to differentiate between
those that are trying to teach, and those that are trying to stir the pot (so
to speak). And it helps us to understand that our being able to keep our mouths
closed during controversy is helping to stop the spreading of false teachings.
For instance, going back to a former blog, why do we insist on arguing our
denominational differences? (Particularly when all that really matters is Jesus
Christ. If He’s Who others preach to love, then let it go at that.) (John 14:6)
We argue about details on how to worship, what to wear, who can teach, etc.;
yet we miss the point that through all this discrepancy and disagreement,
non-believers are even more confused at our so-called beliefs and have greater
doubt. Religious speculation and theological arguments will only sidetrack us
from the central message of the Bible. They may seem like valid, or even harmless
debates, but they take our time away from actually doing His work. (1 Timothy
1:4) (Again, I am not saying we shouldn’t speak on topics that are strictly
forbidden (ie: homosexuality, adultery, etc.), but that we should watch our
arguments over some of the vague discrepancies (as stated above). (And I am not
saying that having a healthy conversation or debate amongst a few is wrong;
quite the contrary; it’s a great way to understand your own beliefs and a great
introduction to a deeper fellowship with Jesus. (I can attest to that!))
I guess what I am truly trying to convey is that we’ve got
to dig deeper into the Bible and It’s Message. Yes, It’s about our salvation
through Jesus, but there’s so much more than that. We can be go with the
shallow ‘faith’ that Jesus Is, Was and Is yet to come, but we don’t have to
stop there… The answers, explanations and truths are there. We only have to dig
a little deeper; and be receptive to what we find. (Matthew 13:23)
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